Want Financial Abundance? Use Gratitude and Emotional Freedom Techniques Increase Your Income
By AnaMaria Herrera
A few weekends ago I went to Mexico and had a delightful time. As we were driving back to the states in the long line waiting to pass customs, there were many street vendors that walked from car to car selling their wares.
Some sold cold drinks or local snacks. Others carried handicrafts such as woven hammocks and even children's furniture. While our car inched up the street, I was watching one lady that was handing a sun visor in exchange for a few dollar bills.
And she did the most unusual thing.
No, not that it was so odd, but rather something you rarely see.
She took the bill and brought it to her lips, kissed it and made a sign of giving thanks for the money.
What struck me was that this lady was in the hot sun. We were in a cool, air conditioned car. Who knows how long she had to walk until making that first sale.
My hunch is that she didn't make more than $5.00.
And yet I witnessed such a sense of gratitude and appreciation. She tucked the few bills in her fanny pack and was on her way to the next car.
What does this, if at all, have to do with attracting financial abundance?
I won't conduct a Law Of Attraction 101 class. I'm sure you've seen heard of the Secret, Abraham-Hicks and others who do a much more thorough job of teaching LOA than I do. As Agent EFT, I teach what I know well: Emotional Freedom Techniques.
However I do want to point out that LOA and EFT work side by side like a dynamic duo. Especially when it comes to financial abundance.
Remember, our feelings and thoughts send out a vibration and LOA reciprocates in like kind. Like attracts like. If our feelings and thoughts are positive then the vibration we are sending out is 'positive' or some might say a 'high' vibration.
And the highest vibrations are APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE.
And when we incorporate the words of appreciation and gratitude during EFT, our results are supercharged. I call these words "Empowerment Statements." And have developed the EFT Empowerment Method to show how to do use these high vibration words during EFT for better results: EFTEmpowermentMethod.com
So, want more financial abundance and security in your life?
Get grateful.
Here's how Emotional Freedom Techniques can help.
Choose one area of your finances (and business/profession as that is the vehicle for money to come to you) that you would like an increase of. Use EFT to encourage the feelings (and vibration) of gratitude in this area.
Here's some examples:
* Your checking account balance
* A current investment or stocks you hold
* Your current client base
* Your salary/weekly wages
Use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to imprint the feeling (and therefore the vibration) of gratitude and appreciation.
Setup Phrase:
ET (even though)
I really wanted two new clients, and only got one I am choosing to be grateful for the clients I do have
grateful for clients
My heart sinks when I see my account balance (or my paycheck) I appreciate I do have a job (or a business)
appreciate job/biz
I wish my stocks would go up instead of down, and sometimes I feel depressed about the economy.. I appreciate my commitment to my financial well being
appreciate my commitment
You don't have to wait. You can increase your financial abundance NOW by using Emotional Freedom Techniques to 'imprint' the vibration of gratitude and appreciation.
AnaMaria Herrera, EFT Practitioner, also known as "Agent EFT" specializes in assisting her clients reach their personal and professional goals with greater ease using EFT Emotional Freedom Technique. She is the creator of the got EFT?(tm) Series of educational products teaching Emotional Freedom Technique to laypersons and EFT Practitioners. Check out her free e-course: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made with EFT: http://www.gotEFTsystem.com
Labels: Business Finance, Car Finance, Finance, Finances, Financial, home loan refinancing, Mortgage Refinance, Refinance