Option Trading Strategies Can Make Investing Safer
By William Onedge
All Investments have some sort of risk involved, however, some of the risks of option trading are unique. Option trading strategies may allow the investor some control over the risk. Options allow the investor a chance to limit losses, hedge a long position or receive a premium. Here is a example of a strategy.
XYZ has a current market price of $9.80 per share. Sell the option for $.55 per share, or $55.00 per contract. The strike price would be $10.00 per share and the time frame would be for 1 month. Lets say you have 1,000 shares of this stock. You sell these one month options, 1,000 shares or 10 contracts and the stock closes below $10 per share at expiration, you would keep the $550 and also retain the stock, a 5.6% return. If the stock exceeded the $10 per share, your stock options would be exercised and you would receive 10,000, ($10 times 1,000 shares). But, since you only paid $9.80 per share, you would pick up an additional $.20 per share or $200, increasing your profit to$750,a 7.7% return. Now can you imagine doing this 12 times a year? Well that is how many times you can do it with any given stock. This would give the investor between 73% to 92% returns or better, with a minimum risk. Remember you are talking about 10 wins out of 10 tries, with minimal risk. If you stick to this system, it is possible to turn $10,000 in to $155,000 to $216,000 in only 5 years. That would generate a 5 year compounded return of 2,060% or an average annual return of 414%. (2,060% divided by 5) You may ask how can this be? Well it is because the income is compounded, and each year the base amount is increased by the prior years gains. Actually, these monthly gains can be reinvested immediately, resulting in potential higher returns. Option trading strategies can make investing safer.
No strategy works all the time, market conditions change and that can make a strategy perform poorly. So it is always better to have more than one strategy to use. Then when market conditions change you can use the strategy that works the best for that change. Option trading is risky but if you only have one strategy and the market is not right. Just stay on the sidelines until it comes back in your favor. That's why paper trading is so important. You have to test your strategies so you know when it is the right time to get in and out of the market. Option trading strategies can make investing safer and provide a great way to enter the market with a small amount of money and because of the leverage options have you can get a very good return on your money. It just takes a little knowledge and some discipline to meet your goals of becoming profitable trader.
If you want to learn to reduce risk and become more profitable visit us at http://www.conservativetrader.com for more information.
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The Best CFD Trading Books Available - Find the Top 3 Books to Learn About a Contract For Difference
By William Potter
I'm going to take a look at the best CFD trading books available on the market today so you can be an informed CFD trader instead of taking pot shots in your CFD trading.
I have read all the CFD trading books on the market and have listed what I believe are the top 3 available. Here they are in no particular order...
1. Real Traders 2 by Eva Diaz
2. SuperCharge Your Trading with CFDs by Jeff Cartridge
3. Making Money from CFD Trading by Cat Davey
Let's have a look at each of the books in a little more detail.
1. Real Traders 2 by Eva Diaz
How would you like to learn the tips and tricks that enabled Australia's most successful CFD trader (Dave Limburg) to make a staggering $110,000 or 441.79% in 9 weeks? Real Traders 2 by Eva Diaz takes us on a journey to uncover exactly how Dave Limburg managed to make those incredible returns with realatively small drawdowns.
Back in 2007 CMC Markets ran a trading competition which involved over 440 budding CFD traders for a winner take all $100,000 cash first prize. Unbelievable I know but Dave Limburg managed to pocket the $100,000 and during the 9 weeks that the competition was run he actually made $110,000 in his own account.
In Real Traders 2, Eva Diaz actually interviews 7 of the top 10 placegetters and uncovers the day by day strategies these gun traders employed to hit the top 10 in a nationwide trading competition. You'll find a mixture of fundamental, technical, discretionary and mechanical trading systems employed to catapult each of them to the top including a husband and wife duo. Just for the record the wife came 2nd and the husband came 7th!
2. SuperCharge your Trading with CFDs by Jeff Cartridge
Jeff Cartridge has been educating traders for over a decade and has been actively involved in trading for longer than that. Further to this, Jeff started trading CFDs when they first launched in Australia back in 2002.
In his CFD book, Jeff runs through the most common uses for CFDs and outlines the key CFD trading strategies both himself and others employ. The types of strategies that Jeff goes into include: Day trading, short term trading, medium term investing, pairs trading, dividend plays, hedging, index stripping/tilting and seasonal patterns.
For those that want a well rounded, educational CFD book that uses everyday language that all new comers can understand, then this is the CFD book for you.
3. Making Money from CFD Trading by Cat Davey.
Whilst this isn't considered your typical CFD instructional book, it rates very highly in my opinion for one reason. This is live trading at its best and Cat Davey takes us through the emotional roller coaster that full time trading offers as she turns her $13,000 stake into $30,000 in 3 months.
The key highlights in this book are the day by day round up of how Cat Davey makes her better than average returns plus she explains clearly the technical analysis methods she used to get there.
If you like the idea of learning from a real CFD trader and you understand how valuable it is to have a 3 month trading journal of a successful trader then grab this fantastic CFD book. You'll be glad you did.
Discover the 7 most Critical CFD trading tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the CFD revolution by going to http://www.learncfds.com
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We Need to Know About Red Flag Compliance
By Carolyn Roome
This Act was created and passed by Federal Trade Commission and the National Credit Union Administration. This Act is call the Red Flag Rules requiring financial institutions and creditors to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs, as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act of 2003. The programs must be in place by November 1, 2008, and must provide for the identification, detection, and response to patterns, practices, or specific activities, known as Red flags, that could indicate identity theft.
The Red Flag Rules were made to protect our information and also keep identity theft from happening. Finding identity theft earlier, and taking proactive steps to stop the damage, this should lessen financial losses to these organizations and protect the consumer from becoming victims. It also places more burdens on the institutions implementing this program but will pay off in the long run. The company boardmembers must approve the identity theft prevention program and thereafter be involved directly, or through a designated senior management employee, in the oversight, development, implementation and administration of the program. In addition, the company must assign specific responsibility for implementation, train staff, audit compliance, generate annual reports and oversee anyone granted access to covered accounts.
Who do the rules apply to?
The FTC says that financial institutions and creditors that offer or maintain covered accounts must implement a red flag rule program. Red flag rules apply to financial institutions and creditors like banks, credit unions, auto dealers, mortgage brokers, utility companies and telecommunications companies. Credit reporting agencies are exempt from the red flag rules, but at least one, Experian, is getting involved at some level. Experian hosted a red flag rules Web seminar in February that attracted more than 700 clients.
The Red Flags they are using for our protection are: Alerts, notifications or other warnings received from consumer reporting agencies, notices from consumers, victims of identity theft or law enforcement officers, suspicious documents such as forgeries or a photo description that does not match a person, suspicious personally identifying information (e.g., inconsistent or mismatched addresses, Social Security numbers, etc.); and other events that indicate a likelihood of an occurrence of identity theft.
The flags that are known in the identity theft prevention program must: Identify red flags requires review of the types of accounts offered and maintained, the methods used to open and provide access to the accounts, and any previous experience with identity theft.
Detect red flags requires obtaining identifying information about, and verifying the identity of, persons opening covered accounts and having a process to authenticate customers, monitor their transactions and verify the validity of change-of-address requests.
Respond to red flags requires appropriate responses that prevent and mitigate identity theft. Examples include monitoring covered accounts for evidence of identity theft, contacting the consumer, changing passwords or security codes, refraining from collecting on an account or selling it to a debt collector, or notifying law enforcement.
From what I see here we are getting protection from Identity theft but are paying the price of having every purchase and credit inquiry looked at, we are losing some of our privacy in order to be protected from this problem. In all I think they are trying to fix the problem and keep the financial institutions and us as a consumer lastly, from being victims from this wide spread problem. We need to look for that little red flag starting November 1, 2008 and use those companies and institutions that are compliant with this Act.
For those companies that would like more information, such as mortgage brokers and any small company that takes credit. Please call me for more information.
Carolyn Roome
Credit Repair 100% money back guarantee! $500.00 No Monthly Fees, No hidden charges.
Learn more about Red Flags compliance Red Flag Compliance information Everyone company or individual needs to know more!
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Successful Investing - What Do You Want?
By Jim Farrish
This weekend I am teaching at a conference for individual investors. While talking with them it has become apparent they really don't know what they want when it comes to investing or trading their money. The number one question I am being asked - "is the bottom in?" While that is something to look for off of any correction or downtrend, the key issue is can you define why you have each position in your portfolio?
To put this in better perspective understand the question about the bottom is because of positions held in a portfolio that have been killed. In other words they are holding assets that have declined 20, 30 or 50% in this recent decline. First of all this lends itself to a lack of discipline in position management, but more importantly I am finding that investors really don't know what they want or why they are investing their money. They are choosing positions in their portfolio based on what someone told them or what they heard through the media. The lack a strategy for building their portfolio and as a result take a beating when the markets move lower. Some of the biggest questions are coming from closed end ETFs and closed end mutual funds in the energy sector. They bought the dividend without understanding the risk associated with the investment.
For more than 25 years I have tried to teach, explain and urge investors to first and foremost to define the 'why' of their portfolio before they invest the first dollar. This is the motivation if you will for investing money as well as the guide for how you invest your money. If you know the why building the how becomes much easier. For example let's say that I want to retire in 10 years with income of $100k per year. I am starting with $500k and adding $500 per month in a 401k plan. This would require a 10% return on investment. Thus, the goal is to retire with income of $100k per year. In other words the goal becomes the why, the motivation to investing the money. Now I can build my portfolio accordingly. Knowing why I am investing is just as important as what I invest in.
Successful investing in based on the premise of first knowing what you want from your money prior to investing. Investing for the sake of making money is great, but why and what you will do with it is equally important. Getting caught up in the performance game is dangerous at best. After all the years I have done this I am more convinced than ever that is more important to manage my money than to worry about performance. Performance in fact is a result of managing your money and managing your money is best done by knowing why you are investing. And the answer to that is defining what you want from your investment portfolio.
Of course this isn't the end of the story we now get to determine the strategy of how we will build each position within our portfolio. Of course that is a whole note piece I will have to write. For now take the time to ask yourself - Why am I investing my money? The answer to this question will define what you want from investing.
Jim Farrish
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Take a Load Off Fannie - Salvaging the Mortgage Giants Without Bankrupting the Taxpayers
By Ellen Brown
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac own or guarantee nearly half the $12 trillion U.S. mortgage market. Not long ago, they were the darlings of Wall Street, ranking next to U.S. bonds as among the safest and most conservative investments in the world. Preferred shares of these GSEs ("government-sponsored enterprises") were considered so safe that banking regulators let banks count them in the capital required as a cushion against loan losses. The shares were safe until this year, when both the common and preferred shares of the distressed duo suddenly plunged. Between May 15 and August 25, Fannie's common shares lost 77% of their value, and its preferred shares lost 58.8% in that short time. Freddie Mac's preferred shares plunged even more, down 65.5%.1
In July 2008, the U.S. Treasury sought and was granted a rescue package involving an unlimited credit line for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with the authority to buy their stock, partially nationalizing them. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said the package was just insurance. "If you have a bazooka in your pocket and people know it," he said, "you probably won't have to use it." But bazookas can spook the very people they were supposed to reassure. After the plan was approved, foreign central banks slashed their Fannie and Freddie bond purchases by more than 25%, and shareholders rushed to dump their stock. On August 22, Moody's downgraded Fannie and Freddie's outstanding preferred stock by a full five notches, from A1 to Baa3 (or slightly above "junk").
On September 7, Secretary Paulson pulled out his bazooka and fired, announcing that Fannie and Freddie would be taken under a conservatorship (similar to a bankruptcy). The Treasury would underwrite the GSEs' debt and would re-capitalize the corporations, in return for a new issue of preferred stock. On Monday, September 8, Fannie and Freddie share values were virtually wiped out, dropping 99% from their 52-week highs. That could be a disaster for many banks, which are loaded to the gills with these preferred shares. Banks already reeling from losses on mortgages and mortgage-backed securities are now being hit at the core, shrinking their capital base. Loss of bank capital works as leverage in reverse: at a capital requirement of 10%, $1 lost in capital wipes out $10 in loans. Millions of ordinary investors have also been hit hard, through mutual funds, 401K plans, pension funds and annuities that have large holdings in Fannie and Freddie.
There are other aspects of Paulson's bailout plan that could be giving policymakers Maalox moments. As noted in a July 17 Economist article:
"[N]ationalisation . . . would bring the whole of Fannie's and Freddie's debt onto the federal government's balance sheet. In terms of book-keeping this would almost double the public debt, but that is rather misleading. It would hardly be like issuing $5.2 trillion of new Treasury bonds, because Fannie's and Freddie's debt is backed by real assets. Nevertheless, the fear [is] that the taxpayer may have to absorb the GSEs' debt . . . . That suggests yet another irony; the debt of the GSEs has been trading as if it were guaranteed by the American government, but the debt of the government was not trading as if Uncle Sam had guaranteed that of the GSEs."2
The U.S. federal debt is already up to nearly $10 trillion, putting the country's own triple-A credit rating in jeopardy. If the government assumes the GSEs' weighty liabilities as well, the government could lose its own triple-A rating, prompting foreign lenders to withdraw their massive infusion of funds.3 But if the U.S. does not back the GSEs' debt, the result could be the same. China's $376 billion of long-term U.S. agency debt is mostly in Fannie and Freddie assets. Yu Yonding, a former adviser to China's central bank, warned on August 21:
"If the U.S. government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic. If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system."4
It could be the end of the international financial system either way, but let's think about that. Would the end of the current financial system really be so bad? The international financial system is now controlled by a network of private central banks that print national currencies and trade them with sovereign governments for government bonds (or debt). The bonds then become the basis for creating many times their value in loans by commercial banks. At a 10% reserve requirement, banks are allowed to fan $1 worth of reserves into $10 in loans, effectively delivering the power to create money into private hands. The price exacted by this private money-creating machine is compound interest perpetually drawn off the top, in a Ponzi scheme that has now reached its mathematical limits. The chief role of Fannie and Freddie has been to keep the Ponzi scheme alive by adding "liquidity" to markets, something they do by buying mortgages and bundling them together as securities that are then sold to investors. Old loans are moved off the banks' books, making room for new loans, further expanding the money supply and driving up home prices. As economist Michael Hudson noted in Counterpunch in July:
"Altruistic political talk aside, the reason why the finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sectors have lobbied so hard for Fannie and Freddie is that their financial function has been to make housing increasingly unaffordable. They have inflated asset prices with credit that has indebted homeowners to a degree unprecedented in history. This is why the real estate bubble has burst, after all. Yet Congress now acts as if the only way to resolve the debt problem is to create yet more debt, to inflate real estate prices all the more by arranging yet more credit to bid up the prices that homebuyers must pay.
". . . The economy has reached its debt limit and is entering its insolvency phase. We are not in a cycle but the end of an era. The old world of debt pyramiding to a fraudulent degree cannot be restored . . . . The class war is back in business, with a vengeance. Instead of it being the familiar old class war between industrial employers and their work force, this one reverts to the old pre-industrial class war of creditors versus debtors. Its guiding principle is 'Big Fish Eat Little Fish,' mainly by the debt dynamic that crowds out the promised economy of free choice.
". . . No economy in history ever has been able to pay off its debts. That is the essence of the 'magic of compound interest.' Debts grow inexorably, making creditors rich but impoverishing the economy in the process, thereby destroying its ability to pay. Recognizing this financial dynamic most societies have chosen the logical response. From Sumer in the third millennium BC and Babylonia in the second millennium through Greece and Rome in the first millennium BC, and then from feudal Europe to the Inter-Ally war debts and reparations tangle that wrecked international finance after World War I, the response has been to bring debts back within the ability to pay.
"This can be done only by wiping out debts that cannot be paid. The alternative is debt peonage. Throughout most of history, countries have found again and again that bankruptcy - wiping out the debts - is the way to free economies. The idea is to free them from a situation where the economic surplus is diverted away from new tangible investment to pay bankers. The classical idea of free markets is to avoid privatizing monopolies, such as the unique privilege of commercial bankers to create bank-credit and charge interest on it."5
Under current law, if the GSEs' capital falls too far below required levels, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (their regulator) is authorized to take control of the firms and impose a form of bankruptcy called a conservatorship. What happens in a conservatorship was explained by former Federal Reserve consultant Walker F. Todd in a July 23 article:
"Traditionally, conservatorship freezes existing bank accounts and then allows limited withdrawals until authorities determine how much of those frozen accounts may be distributed pro rata to the claimants. After the appointment of a conservator, new deposits and other funds received as well as new investments would be fully protected."6
Claims of creditors are not imposed on the taxpayers but are satisfied from the corporation's existing assets. Claimants take according to seniority, with lenders being senior to shareholders, and the proceeds from any new business being kept separate. Fannie and Freddie investors would take some losses under this scenario, but the available pot for settling claims is quite large. Most of the GSEs' mortgages are not junk but are genuine and are being paid. Nouriel Roubini, who is Professor of Economics at New York University and has a popular website called Global EconoMonitor, estimates that the "haircut" for securities holders would be a modest 5% ($250 billion on $5 trillion). He notes that securities holders are getting a subsidy of $50 billion a year over what they would earn if they had invested in U.S. Treasuries, specifically because Fannie and Freddie carry more risk; and risk means the occasional haircut. Roubini concludes:
"It is . . . time to put a stop to the coming 'mother of all bailouts' starting with a firm stop to the fiscal rescue of Fannie and Freddie, institutions that have behaved for the last few years like the 'mother of all leveraged hedge funds' with their reckless leverage and reckless financial activities.
". . . [L]et's call a spade a bloody shovel: nationalise Freddie Mac and Fannie May. They should never have been privatised in the first place. . . . Increase taxes or cut other public spending to finance the exercise. But stop pretending. Stop lying about the financial viability of institutions designed to hand out subsidies to favoured constituencies."7
Roubini suggests that full nationalization of Fannie and Freddie would require an increase in taxes or cuts in other public spending, but there are other possible funding solutions, ones with quite successful historical precedents. If the multiple layers of profiteers, speculators, derivatives, commissions, bonuses, fees and general fraud were eliminated from the mix, a nationalized Fannie/Freddie could finance itself. This was proven in the 1930s with the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC), a government-owned agency set up to reverse a disastrous wave of home foreclosures. The HOLC was funded by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), another wholly government-owned agency that performed the functions of a public bank. The RFC successfully funded not only the New Deal but America's participation in World War II. In a February 2008 article in The New York Times, Alan Binder recommended a return to the HOLC model as a way out of the current mortgage crisis. He wrote:
"The HOLC was established in June 1933 to help distressed families avert foreclosures by replacing mortgages that were in or near default with new ones that homeowners could afford. It did so by buying old mortgages from banks . . . and then issuing new loans to homeowners. The HOLC financed itself by borrowing from capital markets and the Treasury.
"The scale of the operation was impressive. Within two years, the HOLC granted over a million new mortgages. (Adjusting only for population growth, the corresponding mortgage figure today would be almost 2.5 million.) Nearly one of every five mortgages in America became owned by the HOLC. Its total lending amounted to $3.5 billion. . . . (The corresponding figure today would be about $750 billion.)
"As a public corporation chartered for a public purpose, the HOLC was a patient and even lenient lender. . . . But times were tough in the 1930s, and nearly 20 percent of the HOLC's borrowers defaulted anyway. So the corporation eventually acquired ownership of about 200,000 houses, nearly all of which were sold by 1944. The HOLC closed its books in 1951, or 15 years after its last 1936 mortgage was paid off, with a small profit. It was a heavy lift, but the incredible HOLC lifted it.
"Today's lift would be far lighter. . . . Given current low interest rates, a new HOLC could borrow cheaply and should find it easy to earn a two-percentage-point spread between borrowing and lending rates, for a gross profit of maybe $4 billion to $8 billion a year."8
The RFC initially capitalized the HOLC by buying all of its stock for $200 million. The HOLC was then authorized by statute to issue ten times that sum (or $2 billion) in tax exempt bonds. In the same way, in 1937-38 the RFC created and funded Fannie Mae as a wholly government-owned agency, for the purpose of injecting money into the banking system so that banks could increase the volume of home mortgages. The RFC and its agencies funded their operations by selling bonds at a modest interest to the Treasury and the public, then relending the acquired funds at a slightly higher interest. The "spread" was sufficient to cover operating costs and losses from default and still turn a modest profit.
How did the HOLC manage to reverse a far worse foreclosure crisis than we have today and still turn a profit, when Fannie and Freddie - which also raise their loan money by selling securities to investors - have become hopelessly bankrupt in that pursuit? The difference seems to be that the HOLC was a public institution operated as a public service. Fannie and Freddie are private, profit-making ventures designed to make money for their investors and political exploiters. As Professor Roubini observes, "These GSEs were designed to make losses. They are expected to make losses. If they don't make losses they are not serving their political purpose." When the profiteering is taken out and the business is run as a public service, the math works.
There is another American model that is even older than the HOLC, which presents even more exciting possibilities. In the first half of the 18th century, the province of Pennsylvania completely funded its government without taxes or debt, through a publicly-owned bank that issued paper currency and lent it to farmers. The bank did not have to borrow capital before it made loans; it just created the currency on a printing press. The money was lent rather than spent into the economy, so it came back to the government in a circular flow, avoiding inflation; and interest on the loans was sufficient to fund the government's operations without taxation. Such a public bank today could solve not only the housing crisis but a number of other pressing problems, including the infrastructure crisis and the energy crisis. (See E. Brown, "Sustainable Energy Development: How Costs Can Be Cut in Half," webofdebt.com/articles, November 5, 2007).
Once bankrupt businesses have been restored to solvency, the usual practice is to return them to private hands; but a better plan for Fannie and Freddie might be to simply keep them as public institutions. In the August 8 London Tribune, British MP Michael Meacher proposed this alternative for Northern Rock, a major British bank that was recently nationalized after becoming insolvent. He wrote:
"[W]hen the banks have failed the public interest so badly and still even now continue to pursue so single-mindedly their commitment to privatise their gains whilst socialising their losses, would not a publicly owned bank be the most effective way of changing the current corrosive financial culture of short-termism, lower investment, house price inflation, and insider enrichment at the expense of systemic fragility for everyone else? Perhaps we should not return Northern Rock to the private sector after all."9
Perhaps we should not return Fannie and Freddie either.
Ellen Brown, J.D., developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In "Web of Debt," her latest book, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and "the money trust." She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back. Her websites are http://www.webofdebt.com/ and http://www.ellenbrown.com/ Her eleven books include the bestselling "Nature's Pharmacy," co-authored with Dr. Lynne Walker; "The Key to Ultimate Health, co-authored with Dr. Richard Hansen; and "Forbidden Medicine."
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What Does a Government Take Over of Fannie & Freddie Mean For the Average American?
By Christopher G Burns
So the inevitable has finally happened. A few months back the government authorized themselves the power to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "should the need arise". Yesterday the government finally pulled the trigger on their carefully planned take over of the mortgage giants that are responsible for about $6 trillion dollars in mortgage debt between the two of them. This debt is now no longer held by the independent Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. It is now you and I, the average tax payer that is responsible for half of the mortgage debt in the U.S.
Make no mistake; this is the largest government bailout of a financial company in U.S. history. The Government will immediately invest about $30M of liquidity into these companies, but in reality most experts agree that the Government will invest at least $250 Billion into the two firms before it is over. These are companies that reported about $14 Billion dollars in losses over the last year.
Why would the Government do such a thing you ask?
They never had a choice!
Had the Gov. not stepped in now and engineered this indefinite Gov. "conservatorship" the fall of these two behemoths was inevitable. Had we seen either or both of these companies fall it would undoubtedly have been the end for the U.S economy and likely a catalyst for a global meltdown. This is big stakes folks. There was no way Uncle Sam was going to let these companies fall, and hey if you are going to bailout the biggest financial firms in the country... why not make a little money while your at it right!
The Gov. will be given nearly 80% of preferred stock in the companies with a guaranteed 10% annual return. All those other investors holding stock are now in 2nd place if anything should happen being Uncle Sam :)
What does this mean to the average Joe?
Well here is the good news. The day after the Feds shot their bazooka at the financial meltdown, the 30 year interest rates fell from 6.25% down to 5.5% overnight! This is in large part because interest rates are risk based. The lower the risk the lower the rates. Now that Uncle Sam is taking charge the market is GUARANTEED by the Fed Gov. to not fail. No matter how much cash it takes to stay afloat Uncle Sam is willing to foot the bill. This means far less risk and therefore far lower rates. We are predicting that very soon we will see par interest rates in the low 5% range!
This not only provides lower rates but also more liquidity into a strangled credit market. The spigot just got opened a little further and we are now drizzling mortgage financing instead of dripping it. So in addition to lower rates and more liquidity we are predicting that the actual cost of banks lending money will decrease which should drive some investor interest back into the mortgage backed securities. This "could" result in slightly less stringent underwriting standards allowing more people to snatch up some of the excess housing inventory that is hammering home prices.
New construction has already decreased significantly so lower rates, more affordable loans, and more accessible financing could be the catalyst to get us on the road to a housing recovery.
What about the future of Fannie & Freddie?
This is where the Gov. is flying blind. Their hands were forced to step in and their "conservatorship" is open ended. This means that the truly hard decisions will be left to whoever becomes president of the United States in our next elections cycle and their Congress. Senator McCain has hinted that he would like to see the companies broken up or at the very least down sized considerably. Senator Obama on the other hand has seemed to tend toward more regulation but allowing them to remain more unchanged.
Yet another reason to stay on top of politics this year and delve deeply into the policies of our two candidates!
Here is to hoping you and your family can take advantage of the lower rates and cheaper financing... hey... you paid for it!
Christopher Burns
Owner - Five Stars Mortgage
Residential - Commercial Mortgage Loans http://www.fivestarsmortgage.com
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The Art of Financial Management
By Chase Anderson
Understanding finance has become an essential nowadays. Wherever you go, whatever you do you must always have the art of financial management. Gone are the days when finance and business meant only for businessmen alone. With the evolution of money making as an art, more and more people are joining the race of making money in the best possible way. You can also be an efficient money maker provided you are well aware of the various new trends of the market.
Apart from knowing the performance of various stocks, the volatility of the market, cost of the stocks, you must also know the various terms associated with the transactions so that you are clear with the processes. You can take the help of a broker or a friend in knowing the various processes, terms and their exact meanings. But relying on a person is not advisable at all times. Do not get discouraged! You have a potential solution- financial dictionary.
Financial dictionary is nothing but a collection of words along with their meanings that are in common use among the financial professionals, and the market. It would contain all the terms for which you would require an explanation during the transactions.
You may be asking the question that why you need a separate dictionary for finance when you have a normal dictionary. The reason behind this is that English is quite funny. Some words completely lose their meaning and take up another when used in different context. So if you go by the actual meaning of the word you are sure to be misled and sometimes may end up in a mishap. A simple but powerful solution for this is the financial dictionary.
Knowing the right meaning would help you to understand the terms and conditions better that are given along with any financial transactions. Further there are certain terms that can be found only in a financial dictionary. This makes the presence of a dictionary exclusively for finance essential.
Such a dictionary for finance would be extremely helpful for the people who have just started their journey in the field of finance. They would be totally unfamiliar with the terms that are in actual use. So a dictionary that suits the need is a financial dictionary. Remember that you can not look for the conventional meanings for the words in this dictionary.
I am Anderson,
I really like writing Articles, I often publish some of my good articles on the net. Now days I am preparing some articles on financial glossary and some on investment dictionary I will publish them soon.
Labels: Business Finance, Car Finance, Finance, Finances, Financial, home loan refinancing, Mortgage Refinance, Refinance
10 Simple Financial Advice Rules That Can Create Wealth
By Matthew Pawlina
Money is what "makes the world go round." And one of the most difficult propositions in life is to manage money.
While some are born with great financial acumen others need to be methodical and follow sound advice.
Here are a few basic tips:
1. Inculcate frugality within you; desist temptation to spend now save later. Every dollar earned must be divided into four parts: one part to meet essential expenses; one part to be invested in short-term savings; one part for retirement savings; and one part for emergency expenses.
2. Create with expert advice an infallible financial plan. Plan your credit report, taxes, and expenses. Keep a watch and learn how to regulate yourself.
3. Avoid the debt trap set by credit card companies and the easy availability of loans. Only spend what you have in hand and not any monies in advance.
4. Learn the art of investment. The World Wide Web is a reliable resource for information, reviews, and guidelines on investments. If doubtful seek expert advice on investments; the ideal is to balance investments into sure-fire investments, medium risk investments, and high risk investments.
5. Make wise decisions when buying a home, office, and more. Avail a mortgage that works for you. Property can be a good investment when bought after deep thought and in allocation where the appreciation is high.
6. Teach every family member how to invest and the secret of handling money wisely. Even children need to learn from a young age.
7. Insure your interests. Take enough insurance but learn the art of saving on premiums, clubbing policies, and umbrella policies. Know how to save money every step.
8. Spend prudently. Plan your luxuries and eating out. Learn how to shop sensibly and not indulge.
9. Avoid lending money or borrowing money. Financial matters are best handled alone and not through family or friends.
10. Review your financial plan regularly and make the necessary adjustments. As a family grows needs change. Begin saving for college and education from the early years. Teach the children never to take you for granted. Discuss things with your family members.
Use expert advice when needed so that you are always protected financially. Read websites such as that hosted by the Federal Trade Commission to protect America's consumers: http://www.ftc.gov
The World Wide Web is a knowledge highway and brings financial advice to the finger tips. Keep abreast of money management, taxation, insurance, and property laws. Plan for retirement and be secure in the future.
Matthew Pawlina is a writer for Financial Advisors, the premier website to find, advisor financial rated, advisor become financial, advisor as career financial, advisor financial new, advisor complete financial, advisor financial service, advisor financial training, and many more.
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7 Practical and Emotional Tips For Choosing a Financial Behavior Coach
By Dr. Rob Ronin
This article describes the challenges that confront U.S. investors and consumers in their efforts to reach financial security, explains the benefits of working with a financial behavior coach, and provides practical and emotional tips for finding the right coach for you.
There are a number of financial challenges that face Americans. Consumer agencies estimate average credit card debt at $5,000 to $7,500 per U.S. household. Savings rates per average household are at their lowest point since the Great Depression. Only about 20% of U.S. workers are now covered by employer-sponsored pensions-for-life. Health care costs are rising at a rate that far out paces inflation. Clearly, Americans face enormous hurdles in their efforts at creating financial security.
"Financial behavior coaching" is a cutting edge resource for helping investors and consumers turn good financial intentions into good results. Financial behavior coaches perform a variety of valuable services. They provide basic education and encouragement to motivate clients to contact financial professionals such as planners and investing advisor's. They help clients overcome procrastination and clarify goals. They help clients adopt effective techniques in time management. Most importantly, financial behavior coaches help clients overcome the hidden obstacles to financial change.
How do you choose a financial behavior coach that's right for you? Please see the 7 tips below.
Dr. Rob's Practical and Emotional Tips for Choosing a Financial Behavior Coach
1. Choose a coach who does not sell financial services or products. Other than appropriate coaching manuals and related products, your financial behavior coach should not sell or promote any type of specific financial product or service.
2. Choose a coach who will encourage you to contact qualified professionals such as financial counselors, planners, insurance professionals, investing advisor's, and other qualified professionals. One the greatest challenges for most Americans is overcoming the procrastination that inhibits them from seeking professional financial advice and services.
3. Choose a coach who is familiar with the financial behavior errors identified by researchers in the fields of behavioral finance and neuroeconomics.
4. Choose a coach who has a specific, step-by-step plan for helping you initiate the behaviors that are needed to reach your goals.
5. Choose a coach who is an expert in helping others change unproductive behaviors.
6. Choose a coach who recognizes how challenging it is to change negative money-related behaviors, and who can help you overcome the hidden obstacles to financial change.
7. Choose a coach who provides an integrated plan to identify your financial values, develop a financial mission statement, and adopt behaviors that are consistent with those factors.
To learn more about financial behavior coaching and how it can help you take control of your financial destiny, complete the free quiz, the Money Attitude Profile (MAP), at http://www.DrRobCanHelp.com
Please contact me with comments at DrRob@DrRobCanHelp.com.
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Apple's Market Outlook
By Jared Finkel
Steve Jobs recently remarked that in its first month of operations the iTunes applications store had over $30 million in sales for its first month. Jobs predicted that the apps store would translate into at least $360 million annual increase in gross revenues for the company. Jobs went on to say that the Apple would see $500 million and possibly $1 billion in revenue from the online store soon.
The iPhone's revenue applications keep increasing. It's predicted that in addition to increased revenues, the apps store will increase sales of iPhones and other wireless devices like the iPod Touch.
In addition to the iPhone Apple is rumored to be releasing a new power book/air hybrid laptop computer. Recent reports state that apple notified Best Buy that shipments of Power Book laptops would be decreasing over the coming weeks and to structure inventory accordingly. Additionally, Apple has increased orders of LCD laptop computer screens from suppliers, and photos have been leaked showing what appear to be aluminum Mac book casings.
The anticipated release in time for the year end holidays will put Apple computers along with both iPhones and iPods at the top of many wish lists. It is expected that both the iPhone and Apple computers will see an increased presence and market share world wide
Long term it is expected that Apple TV, last years underperforming product line, will take hold and become as popular as Apple's other products. As entertainment in the home becomes more centralized with the convergence of television, movies, music, computers and the internet, Apple TV both in its current and future forms will serve as the hub to bring all these aspects together. Additionally the iTunes movie and tv stores will increase dramatically.
Apple's brand differentiation continues to be one of the strongest and most recognizable in the world. The persona of top of the line and stylistic products makes it one of the premier companies in the electronics industry.
New products, with new developing and almost monopolistic revenue streams points to continued growth, even in today's lackluster economy. Apple has positioned itself to outperform most of its competitors in Growth and profit margin explaining its obviously high P/E of more than double many of its competitors.
The Market Hawk has a target price of $204 per share for year end, and suggests its both as long and medium term holding.
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The Coming Recession Effects and 3 Ways to Minimize Them
By Waller Jamison
With so much in the news about the coming recession, effects which may impact your family and your career are likely to be on your mind.
No-one can predict how long the recession will last and how wide-ranging the consequences will be. In short, there is no magic solution to make everything okay.
However, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize the effect of recession in your own life, giving yourself and your family the best chance to survive the recession unscathed.
Recession Proof your Career
You can't control your employer's hiring and firing decisions, but you can take steps to make yourself a valued member of staff in either your present position or a future job.
Do a bit of research to find out which skills are in short supply in your industry and brush up or learn them from scratch. These will vary enormously, depending on your job, but despite the present economic situation, there is still a skills shortage in the major world economies.
For example, IT skills shortages in the UK reached their highest level in 10 years in February of this year (2008) And Britain is experiencing a severe skills shortage in areas such as construction at a time when demand is huge in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics.
You may already know which skills relevant to your own career are lacking in your area. If not, get online and start searching. Once you've established which skills you could realistically improve or learn, find a course - many skills can be learned relatively cheaply online or in local adult education classes.
Create Another Income Stream
Find another source of income to help meet increased housing, gas and food prices. If possible, set up a small business, as this gives you more control. Although you won't make profits overnight, this can be done for next to nothing and you need to be thinking long term - recessions come around with alarming regularity. There are many opportunities online which can set up quickly and cheaply or look around for products or services which are in demand in the local community.
Economize Where You Can
Don't buy stuff you don't need, and especially avoid using your credit card. Try to find cheaper alternatives to some of the essentials, for example, buy supermarkets' own brand goods where possible. They are usually just as good as big name brands and a fraction of the price. The same goes for clothes.
The effects of coming recession may be unavoidable but it doesn't need to be a disaster for you.
Recession proof your life by setting up a small business online. Get our free audio course for complete beginners here.
Waller Jamison is a careers advisor and small business owner who understands the difficulties involved in setting up an online business.
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Should You Choose 529 Accounts to Fund Higher Education?
By Matt Murren
Chances are that if you�re a proud grandparent, you want to do all you can to ensure that your grandchildren have a shot at a great education. It is possible to give them that start by opening a 529 college account. Named for section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, these accounts give grandparents the ability to place funding into an account which can be invested for money for someone�s education.
There are many beneficial aspects to investing in a 529. Those taking advantage of these plans may actually use them regardless of what state the plan comes from. Plus, if you select a prepaid plan, you can put the money away already for college use. If you wish to have a rate of return on your funds, then you could select a savings account, which has the potential to grow in much the same manner that retirement accounts grow. Money is put in the account and placed into mutual funds and the like.
As the account owner, you have full control over the 529 account and have final say over where the money goes. This can help protect your grandchildren from making mistakes in financial judgment. Sometimes, when a minor reaches young adulthood, they may not be wise in handling their money. With these 529 accounts, you can rest easy knowing that the beneficiary cannot remove money from the account themselves. This could prevent poor decisions and leave the grandchild�s educational future intact. For students, they get the pleasure and relief of knowing that financial aid goes pretty much unaffected by benefiting from a 529. In addition, students don�t have to worry about their tax returns, as these accounts generally grow without counting against the student�s taxes.
One of the things you must be aware of when operating a 529 account is whether it will affect certain assistance you wish to receive. If you are trying to apply for Medicaid, states could view 529 college accounts as something to be considered an asset � and in order to be qualified to receive Medicaid, you may have to use up those monies first. Also, anytime you are making a family decision involving grandchildren, the child�s parents come into play. You should make sure you all have the same goals and wishes in mind so you can make the right decisions regarding your account.
If you get everything in order and make the right choices, your grandchild can look forward to a securely financed education thanks to 529 accounts.
Matt D Murren owns and operates http://www.529-accounts-advisor.com - 529 Accounts
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United First Financial Scam Review, Legit Or Scam?
By George L. Kenney
I was first introduced to the United First Financial or U1st Financial business opportunity and software product at a chapter meeting of BNI South Florida. I was the chapter president at the time and when I arrived at this particular meeting there was a guest who was networking with the others in the room, extolling the virtues of the software program. Being a licensed mortgage broker, I was curious what he was talking about.
He said that the web-based software program, which was available for $3,500.00, would assist homeowners in paying down their mortgage in one third to one half the time without changing their lifestyle. I was amazed and astounded . I wanted to hear more, so we scheduled an appointment.
During the appointment he played a DVD which explained the program and how it worked and gave a dazzling display of how a homeowner could, just by using their "discretionary income" properly, actually pay off their 30 year mortgage in about thirteen years. It was certainly an interesting concept. Then the agent told me how, as a mortgage broker, I could make a lot of money marketing the product.
A few days later I received a call from another member of the BNI chapter for some advice. Should she and her husband take out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), pay off all of their credit cards, purchase the software, and potentially pay off the eleven years remaining on their 15 year mortgage in less that seven years? Well the obvious answer is yes.
However, here are some additional questions. How does the software foresee the future? What if there are changes in the economy, your job status and as a result your income? What if your lender, as so many lenders have, "locks down" your HELOC and you can't take any money out? What if you have a medical emergency and all of your "extra" money is in equity in your home as a result of the rapid pay down advised by the software? What then? Refinance? At what cost?
These are some of my concerns. Also, as a licensed mortgage broker and someone who has been in financial services for over 25 years, I would question the credentials of those marketing this product. After all, isn't your home your largest and most investment? Do you really want someone who just came over from another MLM opportunity and signed up with U1st Financial to give you advice on such an important topic?
As a business opportunity U1st is structured as an MLM. The company receives $1,000.00 for the software and the rest is divided into compensation to agents, bonus pools for "branch managers" and overrides. In the beginning you split your first "training sales" with your sponsor. YOU are scheduling appointments and recruiting your downline, only to see your sponsor benefit financially until you are "qualified" to earn full commissions and training bonuses. The lion's share seems to go to those at the top. And your appointments are face to face, if that's something you enjoy, this may be for you.
In conclusion, I believe if you want to pay your mortgage down early, and build equity more rapidly, it might be just as prudent to add a specific amount to your payment each month. For example, if you have a $200,000.00 mortgage at 6% fixed rate interest for 30 years, and you add just $89.50 to each monthly payment, you reduce the time by five years. In the same scenario, if you were to add $233.76 to each payment, you would reduce it to a 20 year mortgage.
Hi I'm George L. Kenney
I've been in financial services for over twenty five years and direct marketing for over twenty. I have built some substantial businesses with low end products and a lot of hard work. Now I've found a much better way, and I'll teach you as well. If you're someone who would like to have all of your questions answered before you invest in a home business opportunity, would like more information about George L. Kenney or our Marketing Mentors Program or you want to join a team that works together to assist everyone in succeeding then please visit my website http://www.prosperityprescription.biz
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Online Auto Loans - Dive Into the World of Easy and Fast Loans to Gift Yourself With a Vehicle
By Frank Dervin
As we are becoming more and more internet addictive, society from all its aspect is changing in the same direction. It is now easier to get the loans for buying a car without much time wasting and credit check. The online auto loans no credit check is available online.
The loans are faster than other loans. The procedure involved is easy and less time consuming. No credit check is done. This leaves you tension-free and you do not need to worry about your bad credit score. The loans are unsecured and that is why no collateral or security of any kind is kept against the loan amount. Neither your vehicle is at risk which can be confiscated by the lenders in case of non-repayment of the amount by the borrowers.
The interest rate is higher in the online auto loans no credit check. The high rates of interest are used as the security by the lenders as no credit check is done. This makes the tenure of repayment short and the lender is relieved.
The procedure is just surfing the lenders website for different lenders offer different interest rates and repayment deals. Try to find the best deal in online auto loans no credit check. You will have to submit a form provided to you by the websites. This is the only formality required for the approval of the loan.
However, to avail yourself the online auto loan no credit check, you will need to have certain things. They are valid driving license and income proof. Other than this no other procedure is involved like time consuming paper works in traditional loans.
These are available online. The online lenders offer you suitable interest rates and repayment schemes. But in this case, one must be cautious enough regarding which lender to choose. It is your responsibility to find the best deal for you.
Frank Dervin completed his Masters in Finance from Oxford University, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the US. To find Auto Loan Poor Credit, Bad Credit Auto Loan, Refinance Auto Loan visit http://www.advancedautoloan.com
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Want Financial Abundance? Use Gratitude and Emotional Freedom Techniques Increase Your Income
By AnaMaria Herrera
A few weekends ago I went to Mexico and had a delightful time. As we were driving back to the states in the long line waiting to pass customs, there were many street vendors that walked from car to car selling their wares.
Some sold cold drinks or local snacks. Others carried handicrafts such as woven hammocks and even children's furniture. While our car inched up the street, I was watching one lady that was handing a sun visor in exchange for a few dollar bills.
And she did the most unusual thing.
No, not that it was so odd, but rather something you rarely see.
She took the bill and brought it to her lips, kissed it and made a sign of giving thanks for the money.
What struck me was that this lady was in the hot sun. We were in a cool, air conditioned car. Who knows how long she had to walk until making that first sale.
My hunch is that she didn't make more than $5.00.
And yet I witnessed such a sense of gratitude and appreciation. She tucked the few bills in her fanny pack and was on her way to the next car.
What does this, if at all, have to do with attracting financial abundance?
I won't conduct a Law Of Attraction 101 class. I'm sure you've seen heard of the Secret, Abraham-Hicks and others who do a much more thorough job of teaching LOA than I do. As Agent EFT, I teach what I know well: Emotional Freedom Techniques.
However I do want to point out that LOA and EFT work side by side like a dynamic duo. Especially when it comes to financial abundance.
Remember, our feelings and thoughts send out a vibration and LOA reciprocates in like kind. Like attracts like. If our feelings and thoughts are positive then the vibration we are sending out is 'positive' or some might say a 'high' vibration.
And the highest vibrations are APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE.
And when we incorporate the words of appreciation and gratitude during EFT, our results are supercharged. I call these words "Empowerment Statements." And have developed the EFT Empowerment Method to show how to do use these high vibration words during EFT for better results: EFTEmpowermentMethod.com
So, want more financial abundance and security in your life?
Get grateful.
Here's how Emotional Freedom Techniques can help.
Choose one area of your finances (and business/profession as that is the vehicle for money to come to you) that you would like an increase of. Use EFT to encourage the feelings (and vibration) of gratitude in this area.
Here's some examples:
* Your checking account balance
* A current investment or stocks you hold
* Your current client base
* Your salary/weekly wages
Use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to imprint the feeling (and therefore the vibration) of gratitude and appreciation.
Setup Phrase:
ET (even though)
I really wanted two new clients, and only got one I am choosing to be grateful for the clients I do have
grateful for clients
My heart sinks when I see my account balance (or my paycheck) I appreciate I do have a job (or a business)
appreciate job/biz
I wish my stocks would go up instead of down, and sometimes I feel depressed about the economy.. I appreciate my commitment to my financial well being
appreciate my commitment
You don't have to wait. You can increase your financial abundance NOW by using Emotional Freedom Techniques to 'imprint' the vibration of gratitude and appreciation.
AnaMaria Herrera, EFT Practitioner, also known as "Agent EFT" specializes in assisting her clients reach their personal and professional goals with greater ease using EFT Emotional Freedom Technique. She is the creator of the got EFT?(tm) Series of educational products teaching Emotional Freedom Technique to laypersons and EFT Practitioners. Check out her free e-course: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made with EFT: http://www.gotEFTsystem.com
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How to Stop Repossession Dead in Its Tracks and Keep Your Home
By Charles J Edwards
If you are already in the position were you home is actively being repossessed it still may not be too late to get help, even if you moments away from being evicted. In this situation if you have not managed to come to any agreement with the lender that will allow you to stay in your own home you can still approach company's that specialise in dealing with repossessions, this can be a good alternative if faced with loosing your home completely and could help you stop repossession in its tracks.
If you were to approach one of these company's they will likely be able to delay the eviction giving you more time to find the best solution to your current circumstances. The organisation will normally provide you with no obligation alternatives to help you avoid your repossession, most of them do not charge fees for assessing your situation, and will work very fast to help ensure that you are able to resolve your dilemma.
How they are able to resolve this for you is by being able to buy your home from you and allow you to rent it back from them which means that you wont have to leave the property.
Another option you may sometimes be offered is rent and buy back, were they will buy your home and rent it back to you at the market rate and if your situation improves you will have the option to buy it back from them in the future
Everyone's circumstances are unique, in order to make the best decision it always pays to seek expert advice.
If you would like FREE No Obligation advice about how you could Stop Repossession from happening then please visit our website and spare 2 minutes with out quick online form and one of our friendly advisers will be able assess and help you make the right decision.
Go now to http://www.avoidhomerepossession.co.uk/.
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Resolving Supplier and Creditor Pressures
By J Shaw
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Technical Analysis Debate Solved Once and For All?
By Vadim Rob
The truth is out. The traditional argument as to whether technical analysis has any legitimacy as compared with traditional buy and hold stock market investing techniques lives on and the few of us as money managers who seem to have survived, smile knowing much of the argument is amiss in what it is really asking.
I have managed to survive and do well as a money manager. I have watched market advisory services come and go over the years with new ones coming forward with new claims and new participants entering the market ready to eat it all up (or be eaten).
But, what is it that has enabled me to survive as an active manager? Is it my phenomenal skills? Is it this magic thing called "Technical Analysis."? Or is it just simply being in the right place at the right time?
Certainly two of three of those choices could be random. But one thing is not, and that is Technical Analysis. In the traditional sense, as one might read in books, I have never ever found any technical analysis tool to be of any benefit to me in the development of a trading strategy (barring moving averages which I use to introduce intentional delays or to create zones to trade from).
So if I could never use them, then what exactly is it that perpetuates the myth (at least as I see it)? The best guess I can come up with is failure to do a simple test of the obvious. The survivorship bias of most people not staying in the game for any length of time results in new participants going back over the same nonsensical stuff again and again.
So, I decided to conduct a test (actually, I did this 15 years ago but will duplicate it here for you). Real science (as I have done for years) and resolve, once and for all (or at least in portion) this debate.
I conducted a test on the efficacy of stochastics (oscillators in general) as stand alone trading devices. The text book method for the use of these tools in trading is that a condition below 20 means the market is "over-sold" and should be bought. If the oscillator goes over 80, it is then called "overbought", and should be sold.
This all seems very scientific. And, if you look at a chart, your human eye will gladly pick out all the highs and lows the oscillator picked (to the exclusion of all else). Convincing! But as I said, this is science, so we won't rely on the human eye.
Oh yes, you might argue. Stochastics (oscillators in general) can be used in other ways than for overbought or oversold conditions. I full heatedly agree. But the principle in the following tests will still stand. So, bear with me...
Let's look at a scatter plot of a stochastic oscillator for various levels five units of time into the future. This picture will tell us everything we need to know about stochastics (on the given time frame) without any messing around (this is what scientists do) -
The graph is made up of over 3000 data points on a 5 minute chart, looking 25 minutes into the future. Now before your brain shuts off, don't worry. It is not that scary. Simply, it shows us that on this particular test, for values of the stochastic oscillator above 80 (that is supposed to be a sell signal) the returns vary from -10 to +10 points overall. In fact, the returns vary from about -10 points to +10 points overall. Over on the left, it does show there were about 5 events (grey dots) where there were declines of as much as 20 points, but over all, the graph is random (evenly distributed). On the bottom of the graph, we can see, below 20 (that is supposed to be a buy signal), the returns are also distributed from about -10 to +10 points. The middle ranges are also similar. This tells us that the distribution of prices 25 minutes into the future on a stochastic oscillator are... (oh no Rob, don't say it) RANDOM!
There, I said it. Random!
If you had traded using the 80/20 rule over the period of this test, holding 25 minutes on each trade, you would have lost over $3000 not including commissions. Next time you think about using an oscillator in the textbook traditional sense, remember this.
The fact is, this test result will hold true for just about any time frame on oscillators and just about any other technical analysis indicator. As the time frame increases, it may become more reliable (at least on stock indexes). In many other cases and markets will actually be the opposite (ie. Buy 80 and sell 20).
Maybe the age old debate will linger on? Maybe I have put it to rest? I think not. Though I am sure I will get some responses to this (and I hope I do) so you can send me your technical indicator. I will gladly test it for you and send you the scatter plot with an interpretation (subject to my own scheduling). Fact is, I have never seen a technical analysis indicator hold up to this type of scrutiny and this is one of my "nice" tests ;-)
This article is not to discourage the use of oscillators or other technical analysis tools. Quite the contrary. Tools do have their places depending on the intent and design. I always encourage trading based on a solid premise. Getting at the testing of the premise is key, and scatter plots is one great way to cut through a lot of garbage and find truth quickly and save you from a lot of heartache. It only took a couple minutes to set up this test. I encourage you to do the same, or, send your indicator or trading system to me and I will test it for you and help you with logic and improvements if I am able...
When you find a solid premise to work on that holds up to stringent testing, you can start making some good money trading with it. Knowing where you are through testing makes the psychological component of trading easier, lending to the mental success cycle required to succeed financially. Asking the right questions can put debates to rest and lead you to greener pastures.
For more info please visit my blog at http://eminiforecaster.com/blog
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The Essence of the Emergency Banking Relief Act
By Julian Davidson
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the former President of the United States of America was the driving force of the enactment of the Emergency Banking Act or also known as the Emergency Banking Relief Act during the era of Great Depression. Emergency banking Relief Act was passed on March 9th of 1933. This act has created a plan that would terminate the services of those banking institutions that cannot satisfy their clients' needs any longer as far as banking is concerned while giving chance for those banks that has enough funds to resume and to undergo new changes in their organization. On the 5th day of March, 1933, just one day after President Roosevelt took the seat of presidency, he ordered a special meeting of Congress wherein a 4-day bank suspension is to be implemented to provide enough time for the federal inspectors to declare those banks that has the capacity to operate again. The federal inspectors are the only official governments who are allowed to declare if a particular financial institution is financially stable or not.
The Emergency Banking Relief Act has granted the Treasury Secretary the power to seize the gold of the private civilians in the return for a corresponding amount of paper money which will be subjected to later reduction of its value in connection to the gold. Though this bill has an immense significance, it was rather passed too quickly that most of the congressmen did not have the time to read it. Most of them only had the chance to know about the bill when it was read to them by the clerk of the congress. Some congressmen were against to the fast passage of this bill; however, it was still passed. After 10 months of the bill's enactment, 5,000 banking institutions have passed the federal inspection and were ordered to resume their services and operation. Majority of banks promptly reopened and the trust of the people on the banking institution was re-established.
However, this bill was only a transient solution to a more problematic situation. In the following year, the 1933 Banking Act was later passed which provides more stable and long-lasting resolution to the banking problems; this includes the creation of FDIC or the Federal Deposit Insurance Company. FDIC is a government organization that helps secure the money of the depositors. In order for the depositors to be eligible for this, their deposit should not be less than 100,000 and their bank should be a member of FDIC. President Roosevelt was first against to the idea of establishing FDIC; he argues that this kind of insurance will only give protection to the irresponsible banking institutions but soon conceded when he saw that the support of the Congressmen was overwhelming. Roosevelt's fear came to a realization when he appointed Leo Crowley- a banker from Wisconsin, in 1934 to head FDIC. He learned that Crowley was using FDIC to hide his money fraud activities. Crowley's embezzlement was only made public in 1996.
The enactment of Emergency Banking Relief Act in 1933 has helped many private banks to re-establish their businesses in the middle of disastrous years of Depression Era which made the clients to lose hope in the banking industry.
Julian Davidson is a banking specialist and has written many bank related articles to help people save money and avoid the traps.
Learn about one of the best online banks Capital One Banking or to learn about other online banks visit http://www.onlinebankingmart.com/ - A popular banking website that provides you with inside information on all the major banks.
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UK Corporations Feeling the Financial Crunch, But Don't Panic As Advice is Available!
By Ian Robinson
Your business may not be a high-profile company that makes headlines every month but that does not mean you cannot have the same problems as Northern Rock or Bradford & Bingley. After years of being successful and profitable you may find that your company is currently having financial difficulties and you need more cash. Before you set out to raise more cash any way you can imagine, take the time to speak to a lawyer and discuss all your legal options.
It is important that any business acts early when they start to see a decline in finances. You need to review your businesses cash flow on a regular basis even if you have an accountant or a financial department. Whilst you may delegate the financial process of your company to other people, do not make the mistake of not reviewing the financial statements. Stay up-to-date with your company's finances and you will be able to adjust quickly when financial difficulties start to appear.
If you do find your business is in need of more cash do not panic and start making poor decisions that could jeopardize your business. Whilst it is important to plan for a downtimes and be proactive before the creditors start calling, sometimes the problem will catch you by surprise and you may find yourself needing to take action quickly. The Companies Act of 2006 sets out the duties directors owe a company and you need to ensure that you follow these guidelines. Speaking to a lawyer can help you keep on top of the current regulations and verify that your company is following all the appropriate laws for every country your company does business in.
If you trade while insolvent you could be breaking the law. Whilst you may be panicked due to your company's cash flow problems, it is important to take the advice of your lawyers and financial personnel in order to make sensible and legal decisions for your business. You may need to make some tough choices that require you to change the structure of your business. You may need to let some of your employees go but whatever decisions you need to make you should discuss your choices with a lawyer to always confirm you are following the appropriate laws correctly.
It is understandable to make foolish and short sided decisions when your business is in trouble. If you built a large company from the ground up, you may be feeling that the company's financial problems are your own problems. It is important that during tough financial time you take charge and make arrangement with any creditors.
If you need assistance in negotiating settlements and arrangements with creditors a experienced solicitor can assist you with the process.
It may be possible to sell off the shares in the company or the company assets instead of liquidating the entire company or filing for bankruptcy. You may be able to save your company and rebuild once your cash issues are resolved. A solicitor can help you plan your business future and keep you focused during a very difficult time in your business career.
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Ian Robinson is the managing partner of a Hampshire Employment Solicitor Firm - Churchers - who are also leading Conveyancing Solicitors in Hampshire
Labels: Business Finance, Car Finance, Finance, Finances, Financial, home loan refinancing, Mortgage Refinance, Refinance
Significance of Stock Market in the Financial System
By Tia Rohit
A stock market also known as equity market is a private or public market wherein dealing of business stock and company derived stock at a decided value takes place.
For companies, the stock market is considered to be one of the most essential generators to increase funds for their businesses. Under this business can be freely bought and sold and can earn extra wealth for development of the corporation by trading shares of rights of the corporation in a public market.
The stock market offers liquidity to which in turn enables the financiers to rapidly trade their securities. This is considered to be a striking aspect of investing in stocks.
Typically, the shares value and other properties act as a vital element in the dynamics of fiscal actions, and can also affect and signify public frame of mind. For example, plummeting share values indicate decline in the trade investment and the other way around. Moreover, share values affect the domestic prosperity and its utilization. Consequently, central banks always watch the power and performance of the stock market and on the steady function of fiscal system operations.
Moreover, exchange rates play an important role in financial dealings. They assemble and distribute the shares and assure compensation to the trader of a security. Hence, this eradicates the jeopardy to a personal purchaser or supplier that the opposite party could fail to pay for the transaction.
Therefore, the proper execution of all these actions helps the financial development and encourage the manufacture of good supplies and employment.
About Author: Tia is an online leading expert in finance industry. She also offers top quality finance tips like:
How Does Inflation Affect the Economy?
Labels: Business Finance, Car Finance, Finance, Finance Calculated, Financial, Personal Finance
Baroda’s Personal Loans Help People’s Finances
Personal loans of Baroda are very convenient to the Indian
residents. They may purchase products and services they want as
long as they were approved by the banks for these personal
The Urban Indian’s lifestyle is changing fast. The burgeoning
Indian middle class is the main target customers of the
multinational companies. There have been many changes seen in
the expenditure scale with the rise of reusable income in the
young Indian’s hands.
For example, if a person likes to purchase a refrigerator, he
would have to save money for many months to be able to buy it. A
person may also desire to go for a holiday trip, but he doesn't
have sufficient money to attain his aimed destination. He also
might feel the necessity to use all the savings in purchasing a
new house and at this time there is no anything left for
beautifying it.
At present, financial institutions can meet the terms of all
the needs of a person by giving loans. Baroda makes personal
loans much easier and hassle free. It significantly simplified
the process of getting a loan. There is no need anymore for too
many paper works. The system is efficient. There is almost no
delay in disbursing money. Baroda plays fair. One does not need
a backer to speed up a process. Everyone will be treated
equally. First come first served.
A personal loan is a universal loan for a person’s own use.
Actually, this type of loan may be used for any reasonable
purposes. This kind of loan is a single retail loan product
provided by numerous banks. In Baroda the personal loans come in
two forms. These are the secured and unsecured forms. Both
secured and unsecured loans are given by banks to its respected
customers. The major goal of such loan is to reach any sort of
necessity or expenses.
There are different kinds of personal loans offered over India
especially in Baroda. These are Marriage Loans, Festival Loans,
Consumer Durable Loans, Pension Loans, and Personal Computer
Marriage Loans
Marriage loans help couples finance their wedding rites. It is
becoming very popular today in both rural and urban parts. The
maximum amount in this type of loan is depending on some
considerations such as repayment ability of the borrower,
security or guarantee provided by the customer and the
borrower’s age.
Festival Loans
The festival loans are granted to those who want to celebrate a
certain festivity but lacks money. Festivals are held very
important in India. Such loans are offered with a very cheap
interest rate. It is very suitable to those people who like to
have a small loan only. Here, they may repay before the due date
but it is not tolerable to pay interest at the excessive rates.
This type of loan is also offered from the amount of Rs. 5000 to
Rs. 50000 and the loan is universally limited for 12 months
Consumer Durable Loans
Consumer durables loans are the sole loans which persuades more
customers. A person may purchase everything from Television to
Refrigerator to Music players. The quantum of these types of
loans differs from bank to Bank. But most Banks introduced loans
from the amount of Rs. 10000 to Rs. 100000.
Pension Loans
Pension loans are available to pensioners till the age of 70.
The utmost amount of pension loan permitted is usually 7 to 10
times of the cost of last pension got. The cost is commonly
diverging from individual to individual basing on his repayment
Personal Computers Loan
Computers have substituted manual work in every sector with the
large growth of Information Technology in the cities of India.
The idea of Personal Computer loans have been established with
the developing needs of computers. Banks give a loan up to Rs
100000 for computer hardware and software. However, there are
also some banks which give a discrete software loan to an utmost
of Rs. 20000.
About the Author: For more information on
http://baroda-hotels.com/business.php Baroda Business and
http://baroda-hotels.com/school.php Baroda Academicsplease visit
our website.
Source: http://www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=380190&ca=Finances
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