Why Most People Will Never Experience Financial Freedom


By Diamonique Fortune

Statistics indicate that money is the number one cause of all relationship break-ups, including divorce. Thousands of people start their married lives with unnecessary debts hanging over their heads, and never manage to get out from under the load. After the novelty of marriage begins to wear off, and it usually does, the married couple desires a better life. This feeling grows until it leads, oftentimes, to open dissatisfaction with one another, and eventually to the divorce court.

It is a great tragedy to see good people fail to make their financial dreams come true. From outward appearance, they seem to have "everything" and yet, they fail. My experience with thousands of people have led me to believe that most of us want:

1) Money and financial security
2) Happiness and peace of mind
3) Health and zestful energy

Statistics indicates that the average American household has $8,000 in credit card debt. The sad truth is most Americans have been conditioned to believe that debt is a normal part of life. Since the credit card was introduced into American society in the late 1960's, debt has become a product that has been aggressively marketed. Millions of Americans surrender daily to repeated marketing campaigns by creditors whose number one goal is to make consumers feel good about becoming a slave to debt.

For example, the average American believes that the only way to purchase an automobile is with debt. The thought never enters most people's minds that they can purchase a car with cash, if they were conditioned to do so.

If you are in debt, you must make a clear-cut decision to get out. Once you get out of debt, make sure you stay out. It is a terrible thing to even think of going through life like a prisoner in chains, bound down and owned by someone else on the account of debts. At first, debt accumulation starts in a small way, and grows to enormous proportions slowly, step by step, until finally it takes control of you.

The truth is your financial condition is a reflection of your mindset about money, which in turn, controls the way you handle money and how you act in relation to money. Because of poor money management skills, and bad decisions regarding finances, most Americans will remain a slave to debt throughout their entire lives.

If you really want to discover how to get out of debt, stay out, and achieve financial freedom, get a copy of "The Wealth Report: Why Most People Will Never Experience Financial Freedom." Download it free here: The Wealth Report

Diamonique Fortune is the Marketing and Communications Director for the Success Learning Institute. She has also been a successful Internet Marketer and home business operator for more than ten years.


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