What Are The Keys To Financial Success? How Can I Achieve Success? What Is Success?
By Patsy Bellah
Big Questions!
Are these questions you asked yourself during the last weeks of 2007, during that period when you were strategizing what happened in 2007 and how to keep it from happening again, or how to make it happen bigger and better in 2008?
Personally, I learn better from someone else's experiences. I like success stories and proven success formulas. That's why I like Internet Marketer Jim Edwards' story so much. This is a person who thinks things through thoroughly. He was delivering newspapers in 1998, and didn't do much better in 1999. He was playing video games and complaining instead of doing something about his situation.
So he came up with his system to tear down these personal obstacles. He surveyed thousands of his customers and subscribers and found that their 10 biggest roadblocks were the same as his ... they were all in his head.
Mike Stewart, the Internet Audio Guy, interviewed Jim and for 45 minutes you can listen as Jim reveals his system. He discloses how to keep from becoming overwhelmed (something I'm sure we all feel at some time), how to destroy procrastination, even some tricks for eliminating the need to be perfect, and much, much more.
I like what he says about starting something when you have very little or no money. For example: somebody has a problem with their web site so they hire a company to promote it. They don't ask all the questions they should ask, they just pony up the $1000 or $2000, and when it doesn't bring the results they want they blame the person who sold them the idea.
The problem is that without paying attention, all you're doing is just throwing money at the problem. But if you don't have the money, you're actually in a better situation because it's going to force you to think about how to spend your money wisely. And that old saying of "time is money" is absolutely true because if you don't have money, then you've got time. You'll need to learn to do it yourself or become creative in working out some sort of revenue share deal.
Jim feels that the need to be perfect harkens back to grade school where everything was black and white. You were either right or wrong. You were either good or bad. There was no in-between.
"The bottom line is there's no such thing as perfection. There's only good, better and best. But you can't do your best until you do better and you can't do better until you do good, and you can't do good until you do badly, and you can't even do badly until you just try.
"So what everyone needs to do is realize that by getting started, that's all you need to do is just get started, and you'll get better."
You can try to create your own system through trial and error ... or you can try Jim's methods. You can go to www.SuccessGuideOnline.com to pick up your copy of the CD and transcript.
To answer those burning questions at the beginning, what are the keys to financial success, how can I achieve success, what is success, the bottom line is that all of the success guides, in one way or another, tell you that you have to know what you want and why you want it, and you have to believe that you can achieve it.
Patsy Bellah is the owner of Great Transcriptions where the spoken word becomes the written word. Check us out at http://www.greattranscriptions.com For more information about recording your information products, read "How To Get Your Info-Product to Market With Lightning Speed!" for only $29.95 at http://www.lightningfastinfoproducts.com
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