Car Loan With Low Interest Rate - Some Tips For Your Guidance


By Anupriya Jain

Low rate car loan is not that hard to find provided that you know how and where to look for it. Many people in their zeal to buy that new car rush through the car finance process and end up paying more for the car. Furthermore, they get stuck with a high rate auto loan, which obviously means high monthly payments. God forbid if due to some emergency you miss your monthly payments, you will end up losing your car.

Say No To Dealers

So the best thing to do is to take your time when you shop for an automobile loan. You might be tempted to just walk into the dealership and sign the car finance papers and drive away with a new car. But remember that you will definitely not be getting a low rate car loan. The dealer is in there to make a profit and he/she does it by getting more money out of you. So at best you should avoid the dealer route.

Instead you should check out several lenders. You can go online and narrow down on several lenders. Get quotes from them and compare their offers. Then the next step is obvious. Pick the loan offering the lowest rates.

Improve Your Credit

For those who have problems with their credit scores finding a low rate car loan can be a little tough but not impossible. First thing you must do is start working on improving your credit scores. Make sure that you make all the payments on time. Try to reduce your debts, as this will greatly help in improving your credit scores. Limit credit enquiries, as they have a negative effect on your credit scores. With some discipline from your side you will be able to see improvements in your credit scores within six months.

The key to finding a low interest rate is to shop around and compare. Do not limit your search to major banks and credit unions in your area. Check out some of the small banks in your area also. You will be surprised to know that very often these small banks can offer you lower interest rates and better payment plans.

However, before you go shopping for finance, get a pre-approved loan from a bank. This will strengthen your negotiating tactics. Furthermore, you will not fall victim to lenders' tricks. Some lenders will try to sell you a loan at a higher rate than at which you qualify it for.

Keeping the above tips in mind you can easily find a low rate car loan. But you have to give it some time.

Low rate car loan is a possibility if you know how to shop for online car loans. New auto loan rates depend on your credit scores, so if you have bad credit you must first improve your credit to get an auto loan with low rates.


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