Building Healthy Credit With a Student Credit Card
By Liza Mathers
If you are in need of finding additional ways to financing you college education, you may be considering obtaining a private student loan. If that is the case, you will need to be working to establish your own personal credit history to avoid having someone cosign for you on a private student loan.
One of the best steps that you can take in order to begin to establish a healthy and positive credit history and one of the best ways to get a higher credit score is to responsibly use a cheap credit Card. Through this article you will be advised about how you can appropriately use a credit card in order to lay a foundation upon which you will be able to obtain a private student loan if that becomes necessary in order to finance your college education.
The best way to begin to build a healthy credit history is, very simply, to use a student credit, Gaining access to credit is rather like learning to run -- you must first learn how to walk. Thus, if you are interested in building a solid credit history, you will need to start small. And, again, that can be with properly using a student credit card
Your best bet in the 21st century for beginning to build a healthy credit standing is to apply for a cheap credit Card and then begin to use the student credit card responsibly and wisely, making the application early on in your college education career. You should be able to apply for such a card during the first semester of your freshman year. In fact, it is likely that credit card companies will be present on your campus taking applications.
Once you obtain a credit card, use it with regularity. But, do not maintain a high balance in the card. In other words, pay off a significant portion of the balance due and owing each and every month. It is advisable to carry some of the balance due on the cheap credit card forward from month to month rather than continually pay off the card in its entirely each month. However, and has been mentioned, try to avoid carrying a significant balance forward each billing period.
On a related note, do not load up on credit cards. Do not apply for multiple student credit cards. Chances are you will be best served with one cheap credit card, provided - as has been said - that you use that student credit card in a responsible manner from day one. In the end, by following the course outlined in this article you will be in a position to establish a solid personal finance history. And, if the time comes that you need additional financing for your college education, you will be able to obtain that educational financial assistance in the form of a private student loan at a favorable interest rate.
Labels: Business Finance, commercial finance, credit card, debt, Debt Consolidation, Finance, Finance Calculated, Financial